I’m not sure that locations get any better than this!  I may have turned a cartwheel or two when I saw a pier, canoes, a river, open landscape, huge trees and so on!  May was a rainy month and we found ourselves dodging a downpour here and there.  Bless the large trees that covered us!

I had a great time with this family and there was so much love and laughter between them.

Great location + beautiful family = happy photographer

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

courtney middleton photography

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